As I write these words to introduce the new album I realise how hard life is for so many people, war, covid, the price of every day items, hangs heavy on their shoulders, without intending to preach I know that I am luckier than many as I have my family around me for help and support. I chose the title of the album “Family Matters” as it has at least two meanings: “Family Matters” meaning family is important, to each of us as a group and to each of us individually. “Family Matters” also means the business of the family which belongs to the family, things that happen each and every day which we often take for granted, our family extends to so many different people, just know that we’re all in this together what ever this is and ultimately… “Family Matters”
Artist: George L. Goodfellow and The GLG Band
Release date: February 1, 2023
Find me on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/ro/artist/the-glg-band/id423371943
Order your copy: george@glgband.com